Announcement! Dogen Seminar
To register for this seminar, complete the contact form on this website with "Dogen" in the subject field. Seminar donations can be made under the More tab, then Donate.
This message is for those who responded and expressed interest and intention to participate in the Dogen Seminar
We will have our first meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd at 5 PM Pacific time. We will read and discuss from 5 to 6,
and then allow 20 to 30 minutes for sitting and some organizational checkin to conclude each study session.
Dogen, in his singularly direct way, put first things first.
The collection of his writings, known as the Shobogenzo, contains 96 Fascicles, translations by Kaz Tanahashi ,
The first three fascicles:
1. On the Endeavor of the Way: records his appreciation and some history of the thread of transmission of True Practice.
2. Manifestation of Great Prajna: A brief analysis of the Heart Sutra and Prajna
3. Actualizing the Fundamental Point: His summery understanding of practice/realization: known as The Genjo Koan
My own intention with this class is to explore the language of Dogen, as it has come down to us through the efforts of many members of our community, particularly the work of Shohaku Okumura, our contemporary practitioner and Dogen scholar.
There are some wonderful Lectures/musings by Shohaku Okumura on the Zensite which you may find of interest.
The link to these lectures: https://www.thezensite.com/ZenTeachings/Dogen_Teachings/Genjokoan_Okumara.htm
Please feel free to brose through as much of his discription as you care to in preparation for our next weeks class.
I think that studying Dogen is best approached through a kind of relaxed saturation. I hope to discover how this approach works in the coming 6-8 weeks we have set aside to be together on our Tuesday evening calendars.
Thanks very much for your interest and participation. Please go to the Oak Street Website to confirm your registration.
Thank you very much.
Oak & 7th Street Sanctuary
634 Oak Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
(c) 415-793-0998